Fight the Real Fight - FIGHTERIA ACADEMY

Hey, how are you? Welcome to our weekly blog post. 

This is Prof. Gleidson PoneY. Our blog for this week has the same goal as always, to confront you with a lot of love! 

I would like to start over by asking you: WHAT IS YOUR PLAN?

You might think to yourself, “my plan for what?” I’m referring to a plan for what’s important for you. 

That's what I have been asking my athletes at the gym this week in a very specific way. 

I’ve been asking, “What is your training plan? What is your fight plan?”

In a couple of weeks we will be traveling out of state for a MMA Event with a couple of guys. I brought up these questions to all of our members as part of the camp, not only relating to training but to life in general. 

I am teaching them about S.L.P and S.T.P, these are terms that I've come up with that mean Strategic Life Plan and Strategic Training Plan. Let’s break that down. 

Do you agree with me that in order to achieve what we want, we need to know where we are in the present? With that being said, let’s look at different parts of time: past, present and future. 

As for what’s in the past, please do yourself a favor and LEAVE IT THERE. That's why the past is in the past, it doesn’t need to become the present. A lot of us suffer in life just because we’re unable to set ourselves free from the past, consequently we get stuck in the present and never achieve our goals for the future. When we come to the present, we need to figure out how our life is going now and make sure that things are in place for us to kick start the journey towards reaching our goal. However, how could someone start a journey if they have no idea where they’re supposed to go? That’s why I am asking you: What is your plan? 

Once you figure out where your life is in the present, you can start to create your S.L.P. You do this by answering a few questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve in one year from now? 

  2. What do you want to achieve in 10 years from now?

  3. What is the legacy you want to leave in this world? 

I don’t know if you already train or ever think about it, but it’s never too late to start. We can apply this to our daily training by asking ourselves:

  1. What you are going to focus on in training today?

  2. What do you want to achieve based on what you’re doing in your training today? 

  3. What do you want to achieve by doing those things? 

Those are questions that we will be asking ourselves during the entire training journey. This is very important for me, because if you don’t have clear goals at some point you will face tribulations in the process and you might give up, just because your goals weren't clear enough. When this happens, the purpose behind training wasn’t enough to push through the tribulations. 

Understand that martial arts & fitness is a lifestyle, and that the main motivation to do it is for your general health: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  I really believe that we can get healthy in all of these areas through what we offer here at Fighteria Academy. 

Let’s bring all of this back to our life in general now. What is your plan? Why do you do what you do? Questions like these are very much needed in our life journey, but some of us neglect those questions just for the fact that we can't find the proper answers to them. That's what is driving me crazy.

I will never give up on people, but I can’t do anything if they give up on themselves. I need to tell you one thing now. IT IS ALL GOOD, IT IS ALRIGHT! I hear your problems, I know you are struggling with all those things in your life now, but do not worry about it. Work towards it, and the best way to work is Fighting… But, fighting the real fight. 

It’s time to stand up, stand firm and fight. Take a look at Matthew 11:28 and stop worrying, because everything will be alright. Just keep fighting. 


I hope this helped you, I am looking forward to seeing you in the gym. 

Join us for a Free Class, give us a call at (512)722-3751 or CLICK HERE.

We are located at 10330 Ranch Road 12, Wimberley - Tx 78676

Fighteria Academy 

Join us in our speaking of this week - CLICK HERE

See you… 

Oss … 


By Prof. Gleidson Poney