Let’s Fight the REAL FIGHT - Welcome to our weekly blog post.


Hey my friend, this is Prof. Gleidson Poney from Fighteria Academy. I am really happy that you stopped by our weekly blog post again. This week we’re talking about resources.

We can all agree that all of us human beings need a lot of resources to live our lives the way we want to live them.  This week I have been asking our members what the most important resource in their life is, and I have been hearing all kinds of things: courage, confidence, empathy, and many others. One that I heard a lot after questioning them more and more was TIME. 

However, if we look into ourselves we will realize that TIME is the most important thing we all have in common and it’s very limited. When I think about time and question myself the first question that comes to my mind is: How can I invest my time better? This question helps us be more purposeful with our time management. Another thing that I have found out is that it’s impossible for us to MANAGE TIME. Understand why I am saying this. Time was given to us by someone and that person is GOD. I can’t manage time, but I realize I can manage AT THE TIME and this is a big difference, my friend. I am saying this because when we bring ourselves into the present moment, that‘s when we have full power. 

Does that make sense to you? Do you think time is the most important thing in your life?

Have you invested your time with wisdom? Think about, for example, this blog that you’re reading now. This time is never going to come back and you chose to invest your time right now with me here in this post and I am appreciative for that, but hold on… I have more for us.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Isn't life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” - MATTHEW 6:25-27

Don’t you worry my friend, everything will be good for you. Let me tell you something. TIME IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN OUR LIFE. Of course it matters a lot, but it is not the most important thing. In order to have time to live I first need to have a LIFE, but time was just given to me as life, and the person who gives time is also the person who gives life - GOD. But I haven't made my point yet. Based on what I just said, life will be more important than time, correct? I think you're going to agree with me on this one, but life also isn't the most important resource we can have. 

I know, you might think I’m too crazy now, but hear me and visualize this with me right now.

Let’s Gooooooooo, if you are a PARENT you’re going to relate with me closer with this one. Think about your lovely child right now, I bet they are the most precious and unique thing in your life and that you love them above everything else. Just think about him or her for now. 

Come with me now for a different approach, I'll bring this deep down. Imagine that you’re in a very hard spot right now and that a couple of guys stop by a convenience store to rob the place. You and another person are both in line to pay, with the gun pointed at you guys. You might think this is crazy, it is crazy. Imagine the robber asks for your money, and even this isn’t all he wants. The robber has the gun pointed at both of you and says, “One of you is going to die,” and he asks you, “WHO WANTS TO DIE?” Of course neither of you guys want to, and when he asks you who wants to die you point towards the lady in line with you, a person you’ve never before seen in your life. You don’t even think about it and point to her, then the robber asks her and her answer is the same, she points back to you. 

I am about to make my point… Look into the same story I've just told you, imagine if the person in line with you was your child. What would your answer be? - I BET 100% you would keep the finger pointed to yourself. This means that more important than time and life is LOVE. 

Your love for your child is the most simple way to clarify for you how GOD loves you. But even considering this, our love isn’t even close to his love. In John 3:16, we see that God gives his son only for me and you. I don’t think you’d give up your son for anyone, but God did for me and you. 

That is LOVE, and this is the most important resource we can have in our life.

Yes!!! My friend, I’ve said all of that just to remind you that LOVE is the most important thing we have. 



Looking forward to see you at the gym, come to visit us for a class at: 10330 Ranch Road 12, Wimberley - Tx 78676 or give us a call at (512) 722-3751.



By Prof. Gleidson Poney