Hey my friend, thank you for stopping by again. This is Prof. Gleidson Poney and this week I would love to share more with you. A lot of people think I am just a Professional Fighter or Martial Arts Professor, but before I keep on going let me tell you this. This is what I choose to do, not what I am. I love your life my friend! OSs…

We’ve talked about that before when we discussed the Pyramid of Individual Value. We are not what we do. I can do anything I want to do. I am free, you are free… We all are free.

First we need to BE, then DO and only then we can HAVE. Not the other way. In todays world - people do a lot of things to try to have as much as they can in order to become someone. That is not the right way. In the end you will feel empty with a lot of things.

“I AM -> I DO -> I HAVE”

However, what I am has never changed since the beginning of the creation (GENESIS 1:26).

It is important to first clarify our identity. That is the first step to figure out this life - KNOW WHO YOU ARE! In knowing this, we will be able to understand what you were created to do and life becomes far more purposeful.  

I would love to invite you right now to take a look at yourself. Then it is necessary to also look back on every action you took in life to be where you are today. That is an exercise I do very often in my life and the only reason I do this is because we are able to connect the dots.  

Let me ask you this: Why do people struggle with depression on these days?

I really believe that depression stems from actions either taken or not taken, from our past. If we always relive our past we are more likely to feel depressed today. Those dots will then begin to  connect to our present. Some people don’t know where they want to be in life, so our first move is to be in the present moment and feel alive! So if you're reading this now, be grateful for what you have in your life because a lot of people didn’t have the opportunity to get up today and never will again! It is gone! Time is over! But not for you, not for me… NOT YET! 

I will ask you another question: Why do people struggle with anxiety on these days?

When we look towards this direction it will point to our future. A lot of us struggle with anxiety because we worry too much about what is to become. Do not worry about it but work towards it. 

Living in the present is a gift. We will go back in the past just for a quick visit once in a while and learn from the experiences we had, but we will always live in the present and plan a little bit about the future, to set goals and plan to achieve it. 

The past is the past for a reason, the future might never come and if you don’t live in your present you miss the fact that the only time in your life you will be able to control is the “NOW TIME”.

I brought you in this direction to empower you to look at your life and identify what were the PEBBLES that you felt. We all will agree it is very easy to see the mountain, but the pebbles are why a lot of us trip on it and this is what takes us down. 

Are you ready for this? Looking into a couple important areas in your life as: Relatives; Marriage; Children; Professional; Financial; Health; Emotional. 

Next question is: How do those areas of your life look like today? Be honest with yourself!

We don’t usually do this, but understand it is important to check on yourself once in a while. If you accept the challenge to dive into your past, you will realize you have tripped on pebbles during the journey. You might even find that some of those pebbles are still affecting you these days. 

I want to make you see it as the little things we do in life are the pebbles, the small things that happen directly or indirectly to us. 

You might not like how things are going today, but It is not the end, we can fix it. Remember you are the only one that can make things happen. Let me drive you in different direction right now and imagine a world with infinite possibilities, take a look on yourself and your life right in a positive way and base what you experience today to question yourself:

  • What if… your excuses were replaced by actions?

  • What if… you decided exactly where you want to go?

  • What if… you gave the best you can?

  • What if… you were able to meet your challenges with courage? 

  • What if… you did what really makes a difference?

  • What if… you really cared about others?



Thanks for reading this. I hope this helps you in some way. 

If you would like to connect more with us come by for a FREE CLASS at FIGHTERIA ACADEMY. We are located at 10330 Ranch Road 12 - Wimberley, Tx 78676


Oss … 

By Prof Gleidson Poney