Willing to sacrifice to take your life to the next level?

Hey Guys this is Prof. Gleidson Poney from Fighteria and I have a message for you. This week I would like to discuss the word: SACRIFICE

You're gonna to agree with me that the word “sacrifice” can be used in so many ways. No matter what direction we go, we will always need to make sacrifices in order to achieve what we want to become who we want to become.

I am from Brazil and I’m very very very… VERY GRATEFUL for America. Please don’t get me wrong, I love my country but America has become the place where I was able to fulfill my dreams as a martial artist. The very dreams I had as a little child. As I look at myself today, I see all the sacrifices I had to make just to be where I am. It wasn’t easy at all and I didn’t expect to go as well, but I can guarantee you everything I went through was very worthwhile. 

This will happen all the time with all of us. That is life, I bet you’ve made a lot of sacrifices to be where you are today as well. 

Let me ask you something… how is your life today? Are you happy with it? Do you feel you have some room for improvement?

Everybody can agree with me, that our life can always be better, no matter where we are today.

I love people very much and have a huge interest in getting to know new people. Like what they do, how they grew up, how their life is. I just love to hear their stories, it has been a sense of learning for me. 

One thing I've realized is that a lot of us carry traumas from our past which have the ability to impact us in our present. I’ve met people that haven’t spoken to their own mothers for 10 years about something that happened in their young age, this is one example of many others that I could come up with. People that suffer badly just because they can’t see themselves like God sees them. 

We are always in our own way. I see a huge amount of EGO in human beings. People can be super selfish and not even be able to look around and see others' needs, because they are always the victim. Let me tell you something related to EGO - WE NEED TO GET AWAY FROM THAT AS SOON AS WE CAN. We need to confront our EGO daily, like taking a shower or brushing your teeth. Something we need to do with our EGO, we need to beat it up everyday.

My goal in this post is to challenge you to take on some SACRIFICES with the purpose of your own well being. You might be struggling in your relationship with your partner. They might be doing something that you don’t like or maybe something that could have happened in your childhood. It could be something that is happening with your co-worker. Or old tramas from your past, such as bullying or not having your parent(s) around.

No matter what it is, we can always find the answers for our problems, solve them and then live a better life. 

My goal with all of this is to invite you to FIGHT THE REAL FIGHT

This week the goal is to SACRIFICE OUR EGO. Let me tell you something about EGO: throw your EGO away so that your EGO does not put you down. The same way you wake up every day to brush your teeth; the same way you take a shower every day, that is what you need to do with your EGO. Don’t let this grow in you. Do yourself this favor. Taking your ego out of the scenario will give you a humble heart to forgive yourself and others that might have done or said something to you. It is time to learn how to let go of these things that have been holding your life back, and it all starts with you. Your life doesn't need to be like this, it can be better, and you know it.

The solution for all of that, is FORGIVENESS. A lot of people say they forgive but they can’t forget. I’m telling you this though, you need to forgive, forget and move on. Life is too short to hold tight on those things.




There was someone that made the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE and that person was JESUS. Everything he did was for you. He did all of that so that you, through him, can live a life of abundance. 

The country we are living in, we talk about all time: this is a FREE COUNTRY. So why do we lock up ourselves in our mind reliving those traumas we experienced. We put people in our mental jail just because they did or said something that hurt our feelings. I’ve realize this country is may be free but we choose to be slave of ourselves. My question is: UNTIL WHEN???

 It is time to develop yourself in full, activating your true identity and living a plentiful life.

Task of the day! Are you ready?

Take a deep breath and look into yourself now as I am questioning you:

What are those things that cause all the pain in you?

What is the main thing that happened to you that is affecting your life significantly?

What have you done to fix it and set yourself free from it? 

How do you think your life will be without all of those problems?

How much do you really want to face it and fix it? 

Take some time with yourself to meditate and reflect on this, I hope you like this content. 

If you like this content, please leave a comment below and share it! 

I would like to invite you to come to visit us for a class. You might have never thought about martial arts or fitness before. I want to give you the opportunity to try out for FREE what we are offering here.

We are located at Ranch Road 12, Wimberley - Texas 78676

Phone: (512) 722-3751 

It is time to stop living in the conditions you are in and start living by YOUR DECISIONS.

Thank you for your time, I am looking forward to seeing you soon. 

I may not even know you, but … 


Ossss, see you…

Let’s Fight the Real Fight.

By Prof. Gleidson “PONEY” Cutis