The first thing we need to have in order to start making sacrifices is the actual goal. If you don’t know where you are going, it doesn’t matter what direction you choose. Keep in mind that life will never be BALANCED, but we will always be balancing. Life doesn’t exist. We are living, however it is an action. My question is: What are you living for? … 

Hey my friend, thanks for stopping by here again with us. I’m just starting, receive it all with a lot of love. This is Prof. @GleidsonPoney - Owner & Headcoach of Fighteria Academy and today is the day that we FIGHT THE REAL FIGHT! 

Let's discuss a bit more about how we can take ourselves to the next level in life. I would like to begin by asking: DO YOU HAVE A GOAL? Have you established goals for this season of your life, for the year that you are in, for the week you are having, for today? If you have, then this is awesome. We must have goals, they will give us a direction to go. 

I would like to put “GOAL” as our VISION OF THE FUTURE. The goal will be what you are looking to achieve, keep in mind that just by choosing it you have already denied many other things that you chose not to choose. This is life. We can have all we want, but I guarantee you that you can have what you want and you can access all that you NEED, and those are two very different things. To achieve your goals in life you are going to need something very important: FOCUS. Without focus we can be lost, even with focus it is still hard, but imagine without it. In the book of LUKE 12:34, it says: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

We need to FOCUS on the goal. Look at yourself deeply enough to realize that there is no one in the entire world like you. With that being said, understand that you are UNIQUE. You have talents that only you have. You are capable of doing things in ways that only you can do, and just because of this you are going to have a huge chance to succeed in some areas more than others. But to discover these talents and find out your uniqueness we need to invest time in ourselves, and time is something that we have already been running out of since the day we came into this world. 

Knowing this, keep in mind that no matter what you do, time will never stop for you. Time will always keep moving. Why stop developing ourselves as time goes by? Choosing to be stagnant won't help you reach your goal. We must keep developing ourselves to achieve our goals. Set yourself free from the need for approval that you are looking for from others, set yourself free from the superego and the arrogance that holds you captive at this moment in your life. Humble yourself to the point where you can realize that you have much more room to grow.

You may be thinking, “but Poney, how can I establish the focus that I need to achieve my goals?” First, I would say you must first set a goal if you don't have one yet. After that, take a look at your life. Knowing where you are today and where you want to be in a couple of years will help you set a plan. After that it is time to focus. Now is when the SACRIFICE starts.

Make sure you set your plan daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Set tasks that will help you to achieve the bigger goal. There is a very common saying that “CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY.” You may have heard that saying before, but it is wrong. It’s wrong because a lot of people are very consistent with doing the wrong thing, and they are still expecting a positive outcome. This is very stupid. It is impossible to achieve new results with the same actions and attitudes. Come on! 


Being extremely focused on what you want to achieve is directly correlated with sacrificing a lot of things that you need in order to achieve it. Matthew 13:44-46 says: 

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

When you find out what matters for you in life, you will sacrifice what you need in order to achieve your goals. I have always dreamt of living the life I’m living today. This wasn’t easy at all coming from the reality that I used to have, living in a ghetto in Brazil. But I made a lot of sacrifices and it worked. Like the man who found a fine pearl, with great value. He went away and sold everything (sacrificed everything) in order to get it. 



Make sacrifices to fix your relationship with your spouse and make sure you two succeed as a united couple.

Sacrifice yourself a little bit to improve the relationship with your children, to help them grow healthy, and to be loved by you.   

Sacrifice the free time you have now to read a book, attend a seminar or a course, to develop yourself to get a job promotion, or to improve your business. 


Sacrifice your junk food and laziness to make a better approach to your diet and mindset to take yourself to the next level. 



You can say all day that you are willing to make sacrifices. But, I don't want to hear your words and you don’t even want to either. Show me your actions. The time to do it is NOW. Stop living your life by your conditions and start to live your life by your decisions. Remember that time won’t stop for you. DECIDE TODAY! 


Ufa! As I said, receive my message with love! As I’m here typing all of this, don’t get me wrong, I say the same thing to myself, I am talking to myself as well. Before I go, I need to tell you this: It doesn’t matter what goal you set for yourself if the goal is not to FIRST discover who you are and why you exist. Sorry, nothing else will matter. Make sure that the first goal is TO FIND JESUS! I’m saying this because he will provide you with all you need to achieve the life you are seeking. 


JESUS IS THE MAIN GOAL. I hope this message finds your heart. I love your life and wish you a great day. If you want to share a bit more with me, please feel free to reach out to me on my social media. I would love to hear from you. I would also like to invite you to come to FIGHTERIA ACADEMY to have a class with us. 

  • We are located at 10330 Ranch Road 12, Wimberley - Tx, 78676. You can reach us at (512) 722-3751 and BOOK YOUR FREE CLASS NOW! 



Success always will require sacrifice as well as failure. The main difference between those is that success will require sacrifice before, and then you will be able to enjoy it later. The failure will come for the ones that choose not to make decisions now, but the sacrifices come later. SACRIFICE WILL COME AFTER IF YOU DO NOT CHOOSE TO SACRIFICE NOW!


Oss …

By Prof. @gleidsonponey