Hello my friend, this is Prof. @GleidsonPoney. What I'm about to share with you can help you very much in this moment that you’re living now in your life, let's dive into this.

PSALMS 90:12 - Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

God created the entire creation in 7 days and when I look closely at this process I see one thing that’s very important the entire time. The PRINCIPLE OF ORDER, everything comes at the right time and at the right place. Even God created and established procedures to make sure the creation was successfully created. We as governor messed up, but this is a conversation for another time. Understanding this cycle, I'll try to make this very simplified for you to help you count your days and understand the seasons of your life. This is how I’ve been living my life and it works very well for me. I hope it can make sense and work for you! 

It is very important we learn how to count our days in order to understand and have clarity about the season of your life that you are living in at the moment, going forward I’ll teach to you how to count the cycles in your life.


The first year is the year where we will understand and learn a bit more how things will be from now on, this is the time when a new cycle begins. To understand more, check out the video we have at the end of this blog when I share how it has been my first cycle here in America. 


With a little bit more clarity about what and how you are living now in this new cycle, in the second year it is time to serve others, this will lead us successfully to the next cycle. We first need to be an interested person and generate value in others' lives. People, it is what God loves most, make sure to love your neighbor and be light and serve them with all your heart, first because it is how things need to be and because also it will come back to you at some point. This moment is time to plant the seed ahead of time, and we will collect the fruit of it later. The best heart to plant is in the human heart, share the love and be the light you were called to be. 


The third year will be the year where you will meet interested people, it will be the moment where alliances will be made but also alliances will be broken. Understand that people come into our lives for: a reason, a season and a lifetime. It is extremely important that you know exactly who you are relating with and creating alliances, because once again it will be important to the next step in the cycle. 


This moment will be where opportunities will appear, that does not mean this will show up right in front of you, do not think like this. Those opportunities will be created by you, but now things are aligned for it. You must be sensitive to feel the memento and pull the trigger when it’s needed. It will scare you for a bit, because there are a lot of uncertainties in this part of the cycle, but believe in your heart and keep on going because everything will be alright. 


Be strong and courageous, because you will need to push through it. This will be the moment when you will think about giving up and stopping everything that you have been doing until now. A lot of things that you weren't expecting or that you weren't prepared for will happen, but that does not mean that it will be the end. It is just a time in the cycle when you will need to persevere. Your faith will be tested at this point to see if you really want this. 

Always remember:


Be faithful and keep on going, everything is the way that it needs to be. Believe in your heart, believe in what God has planted in you and JUST GO! It may be very difficult, but through HIM WE CAN DO ALL THINGS. 


On the 6th day of creation, it was the day that GOD created the most awesome thing out of everything that he did. It was the day that He created ME AND YOU, not just created us but gave to us the governor of everything else until now. He literally gives us the power to govern the entire creation. This cycle will be the moment where everything will come through. If you count the cycle of your relationship it will be the best year of it, it will be the best year of your business, whatever what you are counting on this cycle it will blow the roof, your space rocket will go to the sky. Be ready and celebrate, because you deserve it and have worked for it. Be aware that a lot of people never get to experience this part of their cycle because they quit in the fifth year. No matter what you are going through right now, DO NOT QUIT, this isn't an option. HERE WE FIGHT, WE FIGHT THE REAL FIGHT - LET’S FIGHT!  


Even God rested on the 7th day, why not us too as well? Do you think you need to keep on going crazy just because things are awesome? Make sure to be grateful for everything you have achieved until now and celebrate it, enjoy it in full. A lot of people get to this part and you know they messed up, because they keep on going crazy seeking for more and more. I am not saying you don’t need to look for more, but understand your season. It is time to be grateful and appreciate everything you have built up until now. Do not mess up like Adam and Eve. They were supposed to chill and rest with God but now they went out to mess up. Another time we will back on this more, but specifically right now it’s about your days. 

Now look into your life, look into the big changes that have happened in those last couple years. About your new job, your relationship with your partner, with your friends, in your business. Have time with yourself and look back to try to figure out when it started and have time with yourself to put things in place and keep thriving your best life. 


It is time to FIGHT THE REAL FIGHT, we don’t need to live a mediocre life, that isn't the way things are supposed to be, but in order to achieve this exponential and plentiful life we need to FIGHT THE REAL FIGHT.

Remember: it starts in you and goes through you, but it isn't about you. 

The day this “code” revels in your heart it will be THE DAY my friend! Love you… 

Check out the video below, I'll explain a bit how it was with me and it will make more sense for you.

If you like and would like to understand more about it I have a gift for you.

I share everything very clearly about how I left Brazil and came to America to chase my dreams and how things changed during this new cycle in my life. It is a very simple reading and different perspectives of everything we live here in America.

Hope you like it, I am looking forward to seeing you at the gym with us. 

If you are too far and keep joining us physically do not worry CLICK HERE and start your BJJ journey with us right now! 

Check out our website for more information:


I’ll see you the mats, 

By Prof. @gleidsonponey